Important Tips To Consider When Your Child With Asperger's Syndrome Wants To Learn To Drive

8 September 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If your son or daughter has Asperger's syndrome, there are many modifications that you have probably provided them over the years in order to make life easier for him or her. Fortunately, it may also be possible for him or her to have modifications in place when it is time to take the written and practical portions of their driving test. Therefore, it is a good idea to be aware of the following tips so that your special needs son or daughter has the best chance of becoming a licensed driver in a timely manner.

Verify That Your Child Will Be Able To Safely Master Driving At This Time

Although doing so can be challenging, it will be very helpful to openly discuss with your son or daughter whether the is the right time to learn to drive. For instance, if he or she is prone to feeling overwhelmed as the result of lights and noise, you might want to delay driving for a bit longer. The same is true if you are aware that your future driver often hyper-focuses on certain items, since that could easily allow other events that are occurring to be missed and if fine motor skills are impacted by Asperger's. 

If you and your child have made the decision that learning to drive is not the most appropriate choice now, it is still possible to set driving as a goal in the future. Therefore, not driving at this time should not be seen as a failure, but instead can be seen as a long-term plan to master driving.

Consider The Use Of Adaptive Driving Schools And Teachers

It is important to note that there may be more than one option to choose from when your child is ready to drive. For example, if a classroom setting with 15 or 20 strangers for two weeks would be too challenging for your child, you may be able to supplement those classes with an online class. The online class will also be of particular benefit to students who are easily overwhelmed by social settings and new experiences.

Alternatively, your state may permit parents to provide much of the training necessary to get a driver's license for the first time. There are even some schools that provide classes geared specifically for future drivers with special needs, including Asperger's syndrome. It is a good idea to speak with more than one driving school in your area to make the most appropriate choice.

In conclusion, many people with Asperger's syndrome are able to drive safely as the result of accessing certain modifications. Therefore, it is a good idea to be aware of the advice listed above so that you can both make an informed decision about this important decision. 
